
The Potter’s House Renewing Your Mind Ministries International Inc. is a Ecclesiastical Service Ministry designed to bring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth by providing excellent Spirit filled active consistent direct services to Birthed Churches and Ministries, Independent Affiliate Churches and Ministries and Associate Churches and Ministries.

These numerous services, shall include but not be limited to Evangelism of Love Ministry, leadership training, logistical Support, Ministry of Helps, Family Services, RYMM Foundation Grants and Loans and Quality Care. Targeted programming will also be given to the saved and unsaved through the designated Churches leadership ministry gifts of the Apostle, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers culminating in the desired results of maximizing the efforts to reach the lost. According to Ephesians 4:12, we endeavor to excellently bring about the perfecting of the Saints, the productive successful work of the Ministry and to facilitate the timely edifying of the Body of Christ through collaborative respect and civil usage of gifts, talents, expertise, training and resources.

The Potter's House Renewing Your Mind Ministries International Inc.| P.O. Box 24554, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 | (410) 444-5152 |