The Standing Committees of RYMM are the Evangelism of Love, the Admissions, Leadership Training, Logistical Support, Ministry of Helps, Family Services, the RYMM Foundation Grants and Loans and the Quality Care Committees.
Agendas of these meetings shall be Prayer, Call to Order, Roll Call, Reading of the Mission Statement and the Minutes, Old Business, New Business and Adjournment and Prayer.
Meetings of all Committees who have at least three (3) Members shall be held within thirty (30) days of their establishment and subsequent appointments. These meetings thereafter shall be held at least once per quarter and all minutes of said meetings must be submitted to the Board of Trusties within ten (10) working days of said meetings.
Special Committee Meetings may be called by the President of the RYMM Board or requested by at least three members of said Committee. The only agenda items at Special Meetings shall be Prayer, Call to Order, and Roll Call, purpose of said meeting and Adjournment and Prayer.
The Admissions Committee shall be composed of no less than three or more than seven persons, the Chairman of which is a member of the Board. It shall be the responsibility of said Committee to compose, prepare and authorize the application forms to be completed by prospective members of RYMM. Additionally, to accept or reject submitted applications through the process of verifications, visitations and personal interviews. All decisions of the Committee are final however rejected groups may reapply after six months or appeal directly to the Board within ten calendar days of denial.
The Evangelism of Love Committee shall be composed of no less than four or more than twelve Spirit filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God and is charged with the responsibility of maximizing the efforts to reach the lost. According to II Corinthians 5:18, God “has given to us the ministry of reconciliation” and are mandated by Him in Mark 16:15 to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel;” according to Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:10, “… thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven,” and Romans 12:2, “be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God.”
Additionally, this Committee is to organize, plan, train, deploy and execute the RYMM mandate to utilize the combined gifts and resources to fulfill the stated charge of winning souls, souls, and more souls to Christ.
The Family Services Committee (hereinafter called FSC) shall consist of no fewer than three or more than fifteen persons who are Spirit-filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God. The responsibilities of this Committee is to establish a Family Healing Clinic and minister to families, couples, children and individuals in a holistic way through counseling, seminars, trainings, services, outings, retreats and other activities. Additionally, the Committee is to supervise the Kings and Queens in Training Program. These efforts, we trust, will transform the persons participating into dynamic Kingdom Citizens and families and hasten the realization of God’s Kingdom on Earth. Further, to assist in the establishing and supporting of the Men’s and Women’s Fellowships on a local, state, regional, national and international levels.
The Leadership Training Committee shall consist of no fewer than three or more than nine persons who are Spirit-filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God. The responsibilities of said Committee is to research, select, develop, plan, schedule and execute training modules with exceptional Spirit filled instructors and teachers for all kingdom Citizens of RYMM. Further, as the Spirit leads, establish or partner with Training Schools, Institutes, Colleges and Seminaries for expanded training of leadership.
The Logistical Support Committee shall consist of no fewer than three or more than nine persons who are Spirit-filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God. The responsibilities of said Committee shall be property acquisition, facility upgrading, security and maintenance, transportation support, meeting support and other miscellaneous activities as required by need.
The Ministry of Helps Committee (herein after called HC) shall consist of no fewer than three or more than fifteen persons who are Spirit-filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God. The responsibilities of said Committee are to establish Help Teams to serve in the Ministry to the sick and shut in, the Operation Hope Ministry to the homeless, Operation Freedom Prison Ministry and Operation Deploy Ministry to the Unemployed. Additionally, this Committee is to facilitate the establishment and training of usher, matron, alters worker, nurses, and custodial and special activities committees. Also HC is to operate the single parent Logistical Ministries, food pantries, Hospitality Committees, Kitchen and Dining Hall Committees. Lastly, the RYMM Family Thrift Store and care of the International Ministry House are added responsibilities of the Ministry of Helps Committee.
The Quality Care Committee (herein after called QCC) Committee shall be composed of no less than three or more than fifteen Spirit filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God and is charged with the responsibilities of completing a Needs Assessment and Gifting’s Survey of each prospective applicant for partnership in RYMM and giving their recommendation. Further, if the Church or Ministry is approved for partnership, QCC is to periodically verify the excellent delivery of promised services and training in a timely and Christ like manner. QCC also will seek to evaluate the respect and civility that all communications with and from RYMM are conducted and will provide monthly or quarterly reports to the Board on its findings. Ministry wide intentional civility is mandated for all Kingdom Citizens of RYMM and is nonnegotiable.
Also, problems and concerns of Partner Churches and Ministries will be submitted to QCC for research and resolution if possible or forwarded, with recommendations, to the appropriate Committee or Board. Additionally, all benefits due to RYMM Leadership and other Kingdom Citizens shall be processed through QCC.
The RYMM Foundation Grants and Loans Committee (herein after called the Foundation) shall consist of no fewer than three or more than seven persons who are Spirit-filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God. The responsibilities of this Committee are to establish the criteria for grants and Loans and creating the forms and procedures to be followed in applying for and receiving such grants and Loans. Further, the Foundation is to receive, review and approve or deny said applications for RYMM Grants or Loans within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a completed application package which must include all pertinent exhibits and supporting documentations. Emergency Grants or Loans, however, must be acted upon within three (3) to five (5) calendar days of receipt. The funds of all approved Grants or Loans must be mailed within five (5) business days of said approval or may be picked up within two (2) business days at the RYMM Business Office. After which the said check will be mailed.
Appeals due to denials of grant awards or loan proceeds must be made and received in writing within ten (10) calendar days of said denial to the Board of Trusties. An in person hearing can also be requested by the denied Church or Ministry within stated Appeals period. However, the appeals period may be extended due to the availability of three Members of the Board if an in person Appeal is requested.
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