Kingdom Partnership

Who May Apply?

All Christian Churches and Ministries may apply for partnership in one of three categories of RYMM: Birthed Churches and Ministries, Independent Affiliate Churches and Ministries and Associate Churches and Ministries.

Affiliate Churches and Ministries

Affiliate Churches and Ministries are independent Christian Churches or Ministries where ever they are located which have decided to joined RYMM in our Vision and Mission formally.

Associate Churches and Ministries

Associate Churches and Ministries are those which are part of other organizations or denominations which decide to partner with RYMM informally where ever they are located to facilitate the reaching of shared goals, Visions and Missions.

Birthed Churches and Ministries

Birthed Churches and Ministries are those that are founded, organized and supervised by Renewing Your Mind Ministries International and the suffix of said Churches and Ministries shall be the aforementioned Organizational name or its approved abbreviation. Only one Birth Church shall be established in each city as directed by the Board. There is no limitation on the establishment of Ministries as they will be developed pursuant to needs identified by the Board.

The Potter's House Renewing Your Mind Ministries International Inc. | P.O. Box 24554, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 | (410) 444-5152 |