Ecclesiastical Hierarchy

The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy of RYMM only pertains to Birth and Affiliate Churches and Ministries and is as follows: the Chief Apostle and Arch Bishop, the Executive Committee of Designated Apostles, the College of bishops, Jurisdictional Bishop, Auxiliary Bishop, District Superintendent, Pastor, Elder, Evangelist, Minister and Deacon. The Associate Churches are informal Members of RYMM and are not subject to these ecclesiastical protocols and their RYMM activities shall be coordinated by a Facilitator appointed by the RYMM Admissions Committee for this task. All Ecclesiastical Offices of Evangelist and above possess the right and authority to perform the Holy Sacraments namely Weddings, Funerals, Baptisms, Christenings and Holy Communion. However, the latter (Holy Communion) is permitted to be performed in individual homes by the head of said home. The time and number of its performance is entirely up to the head of the individual home.

The Auxiliary Bishop serves under the supervision of a Jurisdictional Bishop and may be assigned to a specific task such as heading a school of ministry or other responsibilities as delegated by the supervising Bishop. The candidate for this office must have been in ministry for at least five (5) years and whose life is in line with I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9 and must also be a current Pastor of at least twenty five (25) persons. Upon Ordination, this Bishop shall receive an Episcopal Certificate, a photo identification card, a Liturgical Tippet and a Bishop’s collar, Cross and Ring. Additional Episcopal vestments may be added at the expense of the Candidate. All Ordination Fees are set by the College of Bishops and are to be paid in full by the Candidate prior to the Service. Upon Ordination, the new Prelate is automatically enrolled as a Member of the College of Bishops.

The Chief Apostle and Arch Bishop is the Permanent Presiding Prelate and President of the Board of Trusties, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Designated Apostles, Chairman of the College of Bishops and Chief Executive Officer of the entire Organization and is ex officio member of all committees. Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, he is charged with prayerfully hastening of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the stewardship and care of all Kingdom Citizens under his watch resulting in Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, Social and Financial Prosperity of God in Christ Jesus. He, like all RYMM Clergy, is to treat all Kingdom Citizens with the up most respect and civility.

The Chief Apostle and Arch Bishop shall have the power through the Holy Spirit of God to waiver any and all fore stated requirements of any position in RYMM International.

The College of Bishops (herein after known as The College) is designed to facilitate the training, problem resolution and operation of RYMM. They also, along with the Chief Apostle and Arch Bishop, are the only ecclesiastical officers who can bestow Holy Orders. They stand as the Sacred Episcopal Ordination officiating team for the following ecclesiastical offices; the Bishops, Superintendents, Pastors, Elders, Evangelists, ministers and Deacons elect for all Birthed Churches, Affiliate Churches and Ministries. Additionally, the College is charged with the responsibility of setting the fees for the Ordination Services of those respective Holy Callings.

No candidate will be considered for Ecclesiastical elevation unless they display a proven Spiritual walk with Christ, a love for the Presence of God, documented probity, a coachable teachable spirit, a burning desire to please God, a willingness to work and who exhibits an ongoing attitude of respect and civility to all. This must be displayed in the possession of true learned knowledge, activity knowledge, modelling knowledge and teaching knowledge.

The College of Bishops also stands as the Research and Development arm of RYMM and serves at the pleasure of the Presiding Bishop. Designated Apostles are equal in rank to Jurisdictional Bishops and are automatically members of the College of Bishops.

Deacons are charged with the responsibilities of organizing, supervising and operating the Ministry of Helps of a local congregation. Under the leadership of the local Pastor, the Deacon is to respectfully and civilly carryout the mandate of Jesus Christ in Matthew 25:31-40, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, provide for the shelter less and to visit the sick and imprisoned. The candidate for this office must have been in ministry for at least two (2) years and whose life is in line with I Timothy 3:8-13 and must also be a current leader or active participant of at least one Ministry of Helps Program. Upon Ordination, this candidate shall receive an Ecclesiastical Certificate, a photo identification card, and a Study Bible. All Ordination Fees are set by the College of Bishops and are to be paid in full by the Candidate prior to the Service. Upon Ordination, the new Deacon is automatically enrolled in the Leadership Training School.

The Elder and Evangelist serve under the Spiritual leadership of a local Pastor who may delegate specific tasks to be performed as the Holy Spirit leads. The candidate for this office must have been in ministry for at least two (2) years and whose life is in line with I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 and must also be a current leader or active participant of at least one auxiliary of a RYMM Church or Ministry Partnership. Upon Ordination, this candidate shall receive an Ecclesiastical Certificate, a photo identification card, a clergy collar and a Liturgical Tippet. All Ordination Fees are set by the College of Bishops and are to be paid in full by the Candidate prior to the Service. Upon Ordination, the new Elder or Evangelist is automatically enrolled in the Leadership Training School.

The Executive Committee of the Designated Apostles is headed by the Chief Apostle and its duties are to facilitate his mandate to plant and cover in prayer the Birthed and Affiliate Churches and Ministries under his care and to act as a conduit for the free flowing blessing of Almighty God to those Churches and Ministries.

The Facilitators are appointed by the RYMM Admissions Committee or the District Superintendent to share with designated Associate Churches, the rights and privileges of RYMM Kingdom Partnership and be a sounding board for any problems or concerns. They receive a certificate of appointment and a photo identification card.

The Jurisdictional Bishop is responsible for the Pastoral care of all persons and facilities in a geographical diocese, which includes Churches, Ministries, Superintendents, Facilitators, Pastors, Elders, Evangelists, Ministers deacons and all other Kingdom Citizens in the designated area. The candidate for this office must have been in ministry for at least ten (10) years and whose life is in line with I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9 and must also be a current Pastor of at least fifty (50) persons. Upon Ordination, this Bishop shall receive an Episcopal Certificate, a photo identification card, a Liturgical Tippet and a Bishop’s collar, Cross and Ring. Additional Episcopal vestments may be added at the expense of the Candidate. All Ordination Fees are set by the College of Bishops and are to be paid in full by the Candidate prior to the Service. Upon Ordination, the new Prelate is automatically enrolled as a Member of the College of Bishops.

A Lay Minister is a person who feels the Call of God on their life and has embarked on a training program to become an Ordained Elder or, Evangelist or Deacon and is sincerely dedicated to preparing for answering this call on their life through prayer, fasting, individual study and if possible, group study.

Pastors are leaders of local Kingdom Citizen Congregations and are charged with the stewardship and Pastoral care of all under their watch. The candidate for this office must have been in ministry for at least two (2) years and whose life is in line with I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9 and must also be a current leader of at least five (5) persons. Upon Ordination, this candidate shall receive an Ecclesiastical Certificate, a photo identification card, a clergy collar and a Liturgical Tippet. All Ordination Fees are set by the College of Bishops and are to be paid in full by the Candidate prior to the Service. Upon Ordination, the new Pastor is automatically enrolled as a member of the Leadership Training School.

The Secular Hierarchy of RYMM shall consist of the Chief of Staff and his or her immediate staff which will include but not limited to the following positions; the Directors of Accounting, Community Relations, Computer Services, Human Resources, Public Relations, RYMM Publishing House
Safety and Security and Training and Education.

A Superintendent is a person who supervises a group of churches and Ministries within a part of a diocese and is charged with the responsibilities of carrying out delegated tasks given by the supervising Bishop. The candidate for this office must have been in ministry for at least five (5) years and whose life is in line with I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:7-9 and must also be a current Pastor of at least twelve (12) persons. Upon Ordination, this candidate shall receive an Ecclesiastical Certificate, a photo identification card, a clergy collar and a Liturgical Tippet. All Ordination Fees are set by the College of Bishops and are to be paid in full by the Candidate prior to the Service. Upon Ordination, the new Superintendent is automatically enrolled as an Intern in the College of Bishops.

Prayer of Sanctification of Leadership:

Oh Mighty God in Jesus Name; we praise and honor Your Name. We acknowledge and honor your leadership and guidance. Give us a clean and understanding heart, the love and compassion of Christ, a pure and focused mind and a civil and peaceful tongue; in Jesus Name.

We receive Your Anointing to serve you by serving others and to lead your people According to Luke 4:18 for Your Spirit is upon us and according to Hebrews 10:10, 14, we are sanctified by Your Body and are perfected through Your sacrifice and finished work. We thank you and pray this in Jesus Name, Amen.

The Potter's House Renewing Your Mind Ministries International Inc. | P.O. Box 24554, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 | (410) 444-5152 |