Board of Trustees

The Board shall be the governing body of RYMM through the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit.

Appointed Members

The term of office of the non-permanent new members shall be for one term of one year or two years at the discretion of the President of RYMM unless reappointed by him at the conclusion of said term.


The Board of Trusties (hereinafter known as The Board) shall consist of no fewer than three (3) or more than nine (9) persons who are Spirit-filled, Kingdom Citizens of the Most High God. There shall be five (5) permanent and four (4) appointed members of the Board. The Founder and General Overseer shall be the President and the Chief Executive Officer of RYMM and Chairman of the Board. He shall also appoint all other Board Members, both permanent and those who will have a term limit.

Upon the home going or the incapacity of the Founder of RYMM, the Vice President or his or her designee shall assume the position of President and CEO of RYMM and Chairman of the Board with all rights and privileges there unto bestowed.

Duties of Officers

The duties of Standing Officers shall be to vigorously hold all RYMM Kingdom Citizens in leadership positions to the highest level of Christian Kingdom respect and civility and foster an atmosphere whereby all Members of RYMM will be taught, mentored and adopt these Kingdom traits including having a coachable teachable spirit, a burning desire to be excellent and please God and a willingness to work and go the extra mile. Additionally after a Board designated time, every kingdom partner should know and understand the Holy Spirit answers to the following questions: Who am i? Where did I come from? Why am I here? What can I do? And where am I going?

Other duties shall be as directed by the Board pursuant to the leading of the Holy Spirit through the spoken and written Word of God (KJV) and relying, to a lesser extent on Robert’s Rules of Order and one copy of each book shall be available at each meeting. The President of the Board shall from time to time assign special tasks and duties in order to carry out the RYMM mandates directed by its stated Vision and Mission according to the Word of God. All decisions are subject to Holy Spirit leading and approval.


The quorum for all Meetings of the Board of trusties shall be a simple majority. However the Chairman of the Board may act using his discretion with the leading of the Holy Spirit if a quorum is not present.

Standing Officers

The President and Vice President of RYMM shall serve concurrently as Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The additional standing officers of the Board shall be Secretary, Treasurer, Admissions Director and Quality Care Coordinator. Members may hold more than one office at a time.

The Potter's House Renewing Your Mind Ministries International Inc. | P.O. Box 24554, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 | (410) 444-5152 |