Partnership Composition

RYMM shall be composed of Birthed Churches and Ministries, Independent Affiliate Churches and Ministries and Associate Churches and Ministries. All Churches and Ministries and their Kingdom Citizens shall always be treated and will treat others with the up most Christ centered respect and civility.

Gross Cash Receipts:

Gross Cash Receipts shall be the total of prior gross cash donations, grants, loans received, sales and other miscellaneous sources for one month, three months, six months or for one year prior to the month of application which ever benefits the Church or Ministry the most in the application process.

In-kind Contributions:

In-kind Contributions are non- cash donations such as furniture, fixtures, equipment, food stuffs, personnel, meeting spaces, printed literature and other miscellaneous supplies and services. The costs of these donations shall be calculated at their fare market value. The total of cash and in-kind contributions shall not exceed the aforementioned percentage of the gross revenue of said Church or Ministry in the time period being utilized to determine the amount to be applied for in said application which ever benefits the Church or Ministry the most in the application process.

Kingdom Partnership Support:

RYMM Kingdom Partnership Church and Ministry support shall be through its Foundation and is limited to the maximum of 60% for Birthed Churches and Ministries, 40% for Affiliate Churches and Ministries and 20% for Associate Churches and Ministries. This percentage amount shall be determined after a completed application is received by the Foundation from a specific Church or Ministry. The Foundation shall then calculate the grant or loan amount by the prior gross cash receipts and in-kind contributions for one month, three months, six months or for one year of said applicant which ever benefits the Church or Ministry the most in the application process. The Foundation’s findings shall be applied to the submitted application as the maximum amount that can be granted or the amount being applied for by the Church or Ministry; whichever is less.

The Potter's House Renewing Your Mind Ministries International Inc. | P.O. Box 24554, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 | (410) 444-5152 |